Editor’s Note

Identification of people that suffered because of trafficking in people – an important step in facilitation of access thereof to ulterior assistance
Viorelia Rusu -social assistance manager

Repatriation of Trafficked Children
Antonina Comerzan - Child Protection Coordinator

Major aspects in rehabilitation and assistance of victims of trafficking in people during the crisis
Lidia Gorceag - psychologist

Rebuilding relations between mother and child
Svetlana Chintea - Social Assistant

Solutions to restore the relationship between the mother – victim of trafficking in human beings and her child
Mariana IANACHEVICI, - Antitrafficking Program Coordinator
Ludmila BORS - Psychologist

Multidisciplinary approach to maltreatment and trafficking in children - necessary practice in observance of child’s rights
Daniela Popescu - president

Psychosocial intervention to rehabilitation of trafficked children: achievements and prospects
Valentina Seuta - Chief Social Assistant

Support of trafficked people social integration in Moldova
Antonia di Maio - national coordinator

Challenges related to provision of assistance to trafficked children